Category Archives: Uncategorized

Reframe Your Fears to Paint Positive Outcomes

Oftentimes, the things that are holding us back are fear-based – Fear of rejection, fear of failure, etc., and is seeps in by way of negative self-talk “what-ifs.” – “What if my boss thinks my idea is stupid.” or “What if I can’t stick to my diet.”

Here’s where the reframing comes in. Instead of painting unhealthy images with negative sentences, we need to retrain our brains to start asking POSITIVE “what-if” questions… “What if my boss loves the idea?  Productivity and morale at work would improve, I would be seen as a leader, and possibly even get a promotion!” or “What if I learn to love the way I feel eating healthier foods and exercise? I will have more energy, and fit in those jeans again!”

Todays action:
Take three fears that have been holding you back and reframe into positive “what-if” statements. Comment below with your three statements if you want support.12205075_10206841178742207_1667816991_n


What is an Elite Team Beachbody Coach

Elite Beachbody Coach is announced every January. This post is to show you what activities are measured to be recognized as on of the top teams in the network and to share some of the benefits and how you anyone can have the support to earn elite recognition. Elite is not a result of personal… Continue Reading

May 1240 Glute Challenge

Besides looking great in a pair of jeans, strong glutes are great hip stabilizers. Runners, cyclists and all other athletes need powerful glutes. Objective: Complete 1240 cursty lunge/squats by the end of May. That’s 20 on each leg for 31 days. Daily: 20 Curtsy lunge/squats on each leg. The Kicker!: You need to use a… Continue Reading