A Hero At Disarming Limiting Beliefs

“When you’re at the verge of quitting you’re only at 40% of your potential.”  This is a paraphrase from David Goggins, ultramathoner, Navy Seal, devoted husband and loyal friend.  This video is produced by L-Studio.  It chronicles his recent pursuit of ultra events as a college fundraiser for the children of his fallen commrades.  He also explains that racing disarms his limiting beliefs.

Everytime he pushes himself to his percieved limit or “wall” he chooses, yes it’s a choice to move forward, to press on.   He validates that by choosing to “go through the door” he gains momentum and his vision resets so that he can go the distance.

A race for David Goggins is far from perfect every moment.  Given the opportunity fear could stop him from crossing the finish line.  We don’t need to be ultramarathoners to experience the fear he speaks of. That fear grips each one of us that are living as if to offer the fullest of worthy contributions, myself included.  However, the quality and blesisng of the journey we experience is undoubtedly tied to whether or not we have the faith to boldly take the next step.