Ongoing monthly success. |
Launch Into Champion Living! |
Body Reset Mentorship – Intensive |
This is designed for you to reach you physical goal within a few short months even if you’ve “tried everything” before and backsliding is part of your story. Contact me (Ashley at AshleyMahaffey dot com) to discuss your personal goal and discover the steps you need to create a sustainable fitness strategy that requires no gym membership and provides you with the concrete incremental steps to override your current habits. This is ideal for professionals and speakers who are on-the-go. |
Body Reset Boot Camp – Immersion Weekend |
Spend a weekend with me and a few friends who are committed to creating new habits or reinforcing existing ones with a bit more heat. All levels are accommodated because it’s you and your body as your machine. Mindset, nutrition and exercise for your champion life is our mission. I’m bringing my big girl shoes for this event and I encourage you to do the same. Fill out the form below and you’ll be put on my priority one list to be notified as soon as the next Body Reset Boot Camp – Immersion Weekend is scheduled. |
Please find my Facebook page Ashley Mahaffey and click ‘like’ to join the discussion. Ask me any questions related to exercise, nutrition and mindset. I check in frequently and we’re a lively bunch. |