Size Matters! – 7 Steps to Right-size Your Portions

It’s no secret that we are pulling up to the dining table to face portions that are weighing us down. I was at brunch on Sunday and the restaurant portion that I received was enough to fill up four people. It’s a marketing strategy by the food industry to make the customers feel like they are getting a good value for their dollar.

The psychology is even moving to the home front.  Twenty years ago a Hungry Man frozen meat entree would be enough to satisfy one person, but is now considered an appetizer. With all the super-sizing going on today no wonder it’s difficult to know how to right-size portions. Changing your behavior isn’t easy, but very rewarding when you imagine being confident with your fit body at your next networking event.

Here are 7 Smart Steps to Right-Size Your Portions:

1. Prepare Less – Your family eats what you offer. Large volumes of food encourage people to eat more. If you’ve doubled the recipe, freeze the left-overs.

2. Eat Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner at the table – Eating these three meals while driving, watching tv, standing in your kitchen or at your computer doesn’t allow you to slow down, enjoy your meal, or give your brain time to register fullness.

3. Eat Half, Wait 10 Minutes – By waiting and listening to your internal signals of hunger and satisfaction, you can be satisfied with smaller than usual portions.

4. Always Order the Small Size – If you are at a fast-food restaurant, go for the small items. Or, choose the kid-size meal.

5. Never Eat Out of the Bag – Eating out of the box, bag, carton usually means you eat more. Dish out a portion and put the container away.

6. Have a Plan Before You Order – With tempting photos and descriptions of foods on the menu you will tend to order a dish that is enough to satisfy four people. Go to the table with a plan.

7. Share a Meal – You will be certain to cut down on the unwanted calories.

I challenge you to print out these 7 steps. Put them by your refrigerator, on your dashboard, in your bag and anywhere else that will trigger you to review them. The more time you spend thoughtfully considering what your body really needs the more you will right-size your portions.

You don’t just wake up one day having stumbled into an additional 10, 20 or 30 plus pounds. You have taken steps to get there.  And, you CAN redirect your steps.

You ARE capable of a balance between the brilliance of your business and your body.

Step up!